
Thursday 7 December 2017

Eagle and squirrel

hi bloggers

Today i am going to share my word cloud with you and also my screencastify

here is my screencastify today in my writing i have been writing about the squirrel and the eagle.

Thursday 30 November 2017


ki ora bloggers.

Today at hay park school we did some Orienteering. I think that Orienteering is a really fun sport because we get to learn how to read maps so if your lost then you can get back home. Today we had to get into to buddy and get a map me and my buddy had the letter H. Me and my class went to the hall steps and went to our letter one person has to hold the chart that numbed up to  16 we had to get a map and find the clipper  it was challenging because i don't know how to read maps that much and it was
even more challenging because we were timed. At the end there was a  pears that won.

Tuesday 28 November 2017

Summer Learning Journey Practice- Activity One

ki ora and welcome back to my blog post

Today i am going to talk about my favorite country.  The country i chose is Mexico i chose  this because it has over 118.5 million people living their.  Mexico is a country that is north of america
it is located directly below south of the united states of America. There is no official language in Mexico because normally they speak Spanish. Normally in the north it is colder and dryer but in the south it is more warm, sunny and tropical. In the southern of mexico there is more likely to have hurricanes in the summer and fall (June, October). The national sport in Mexico is soccer, basket ball and bullfighting.

Thursday 16 November 2017


Ola bloggers welcome back to my blog.

Today me and my class was doing  Orienteering.  In Orienteering today we had to get a map and a mint box that was painted red and white and had a letter on it. so first there has to be one person with the map and the letter and they have to look at the map and try to hide the mint bottle at the same spot or else the person that is going to find the mint box will probably not find it because it is in the wrong spot.

to be continued 

Thursday 9 November 2017


kia ora blogger

Today i would like to write a thank you letter to the swimming coaches. I would like to say thank you to all the coaches at Cameron pools for making us more comfortable in the water and teaches us how to do some moves in the water.   The first day i went swimming was in the Nanns pool we were practicing our  back floats and front floats but first thing we did was hold our breath and go under the water. Then the third week we went to the big pools with our life jackets on here is a picture of my group in the big pools.

Friday 27 October 2017

This week I am going to be showing you a piece of my writing .

This is a peace of my favorite writing please give me feed back.

Let me tell you about cavities. Cavities are caused by a whole lot of microbes in your mouth that loves candy it can leave a whole in you teeth also leaves a really bad stain in your teeth if you don’t brush your teeth. It all starts when you were a little baby when you mum or dad kisses you and that's when you get cavities. Also if lactic acid goes in you teeth it can go on to your second layer on your teeth and make it harder to grow.

Thursday 21 September 2017

TriStar Gymnastics

Hello bloggers welcome back to my blog

So today my class witch is room 9 went to the gym near Keith hay park. When we got at the gym the first thing we had to do is take of our jumpers, socks, and shoes then we went in the actual gym it looked so fun because it looked like there was a lot of activities . The first thing we did besides taking our shoes socks and jumpers of was warm up. Warming up is something that you should do when your going to do any  type of  gymnastic. Here is a video of me and my best friend Hadiya jumping on the trampoline down below the time of it is  at 11:00 seconds.

Wednesday 6 September 2017

Thank you school kit

hello!! bloggers once again

Today me and my class were planting some plants.  The First thing we did was put the water in a plastic bowl we had to add a liquid and measure it up to 50 milliliters we used a ruler to measure the pot until it was 2 cm. After i added the water i noticed that the tablet started to expand. When i added the tablet to the water the tablet started to observe the water and the tablet started to get bigger.

To be continued

Thursday 31 August 2017

Thank you Natalia
Thank you for being a good supervisor by making sure that not just your group was all here you made sure that everyone in our class  was there.Thank you Natalia for coming on our zoo trip I really appreciate how you took care of your group and you were really helpful and kind  on the zoo trip .

Thank you Ritchies
Thank you Ritchies for the free bus ride.I really appreciate it when you gave us a free opportunity to come on your bus so that we can go to the zoo for free. If we hadn't went to the zoo i wouldn't have learn't have learn't the amazing facts about the animals.

Tuesday 29 August 2017

Zoo trip

Ola bloggers

Today we went to the zoo and learned a lot of interesting facts i am going to tell you my favorite part of going to the zoo. Our instructor was john he was the person that took us to see the amazing new Zealand native birds but the most importantly do not be loud  or shout because the animals will be terrified and run away. When we were walking around the "forest" we saw a lot of amazing birds my favorite  bird will have to be the wood pigeon because that was the bird that got the closest to us. My favorite part was  looking at the seals while they were under the water because they were swimming upside down and spins around and doing really cool tricks. Also i would like to thank the bus drivers for  taking us in the bus drive for free i would also like to thank the warehouse for saving all our money and payed for all of us to go to the zoo for free!!!!!!!!!

Monday 21 August 2017

word cloud

hi bloggers

Today my blog post is going to be about my digital foot print how can you monitor your own digital foot print.  We went to history and pressed CTRL+ H so that we can see our digital foot print. After we have done CTRL + H we went on word cloud and pasted the work from our history. The biggest words are the most common words that have shown up in my history. So at the glance you can tell that the most commonly visited were Google  and google docs.

Thursday 17 August 2017

The process to create an egg inside a hen

Hi blogging world
First in the hen there is the yolk.The yolk is fertilized by sperm from a rooster. After the egg has been fertilized the egg shell is made so that the baby chick can be laid. There should be more than one egg that is in the hens stomach at a time. When there is finally a egg with a chick in the mother hens stomach it gets laid. 

The second part is when the chick has to kick and push it's way out. The mother hen has to sit on the egg so that it can stay warm, If there is no hen the egg can go into an incubator. When the eggs are in the incubator you have to make the temperature to 37.7 degrees celsius for the chicks to continue growing.     

Wednesday 9 August 2017

King of pop footsteps

Ola blog world

Today the seniors went to the hall to do a dance with Kate the dance was called Starting Something. We had to spreed out and one of the moves we did was we had to isolate our solders. One challenge was the isolating part when you could only move you shoulder and nothing else. I think that Kate should come back to our school because she can teach us more moves and how to dance.

Thank you for reading here is a video.

Wednesday 2 August 2017

Teaching the juniors in Bishop class

Ola bloggers and welcome back to week two!

Today my class and I worked alongside Bishop class (Year 2/3) as part of a Tuakana/Teina session.

Tuakana means the older people and the leaders and Teina means the little kid and younger brothers and sisters

First we discussed how to be effective Tuakana. I learned that I have to help the younger kids to understand what to do and and be the model for them and make them do the right thing.

The biggest challenge I came across was that they wouldn't understand me and get confused. Another thing is that they wouldn't want to write or do anything and don't have any ideas.

Next week I am looking forward to them having plenty of ideas and that they have learned a lot and know how to use stop go animation.

Monday 31 July 2017

MERC 2017 camp

Hi bloggers today i am going to be talking about the day that i went camp.

Last Wednesday we had to go to MERC for our camp. The first thing we did  when we got there we had to put our bags and suit cases in the hall. The first activate we did was when you have to  hold a side of the rope and pull it back so that someone can walk on the rope and go all the way around to where they started and i had to go first. .My favorite activate was sailing because you got to go on a boat and sail to the middle of the ocean but while you were sailing you have to take water out of the boat each time water will go in the boat also some one had to sear the boat at the back of the boat there was this metal stick that you have to hold and control the boat. Also someone has to pull the rope that is tied to the boat's flag so that the flag doesn't flap around or go anywhere. And the end of the day my group did stack ems what stack ems is you have to be tied to a rope and you have to wear a helmet, and a suit so the rope can get attached. At stack ems we have to stack as meany small rectangle chairs until you stacked all the chairs up. My high score was 6 so there we go bloggers hope you liked this blog post and i will see you next time.

By genete

Wednesday 31 May 2017

Thank you

Ola bloggers

This week I would like to extend a huge thank you to the people who donated FRANK books to our school. Our lucky year 5 and year 6 students received a FRANK book each and will using them for their school camp. Our lucky year 4's received a FRANK book to complete their work and when the year 5/6 students are at camp.

Thank you so much fro your generous  donation FRANK!

Fa'afetai lava

Thursday 11 May 2017

Kia toa performance

Bonjour and welcome back to my blog

Today at 9:00 we went to the hall because we had a special treat and his name is Bernard Mangakahia. He came to perform and tell us story's. One thing i found interesting, was that his grate grandma stood up and had a conversation with all the men and  told them that the women and the girls have a right to do anything they want. Today i was lucky enough to see Bernard Mangakahia perform for our school. His show was exhilarating and amazing because he did lots of dances and hand clap  beats. One way you can show resilient is to never give up and keep trying even if you think you can't do it. Another thing i found interesting was that  Bernard Mangakahia dad went to the new Zealand army and survived. 

Thank you for reading my blog post. Fell free to comment and share your stories of resilient with me. 


Thursday 4 May 2017

Starting term two with a roll

konnichiwa and welcome back to term two.

Today at 10:20 we went outside for skateboarding. The first thing we did was sit in a semi circle. Then  the coach told us to get the equipment and sit back down.

 The first thing we put on was our knee pads. You have to take the straps of then put it on you nee and put the straps back on. The second thing we put on was our  elbow pads the elbow pads where distracting because every time we took of  our straps the Velcro was  really loud. Then we had to put on our wrist guards it was kind of tricky because  we have to put our thumb on then flip the wrist guard around. Then last but not least was the helmet ,We had to but it on our head. Then Aidan and Mikayla will come around and help us clip the strap.

 After that  we grabbed a skateboard after that you have two put one foot on two needle then we did 4 round of skateboarding but with on foot. At the end it was time to pack up so we took of our helmet then we took of our wrist guards and put it on the helmet. After that i took of my nee pad and wrap it around with the strap then we put it in a big box with all the other equipment. When we finished packing up we had to say good by to  Aidan and Mikayla.  then after we said good bye. 


Tuesday 11 April 2017

Embedding a google drawing

Ola blogging world. Today i have been learning how to embed a google drawing into a blog post. This was challenging because i learnt how to do this last year but i have forgotten all of the steps. I really enjoyed doing a quick refresher lesson with Miss Fortes.

This is a google drawing I created. It is about following the hay park way.